What kind of support do I get?

Operational Support

The Foundation provides logistical support, including access to working documents, exclusive sources of information, and regular follow-ups. Program creators benefit from real-time support from the ecosystem team and regular async feedback from the Foundation and highly-experienced individuals. This ensures smooth execution and alignment throughout the program’s lifecycle

Mentorship and Guidance

Ecosystem Programs receive access to a network of experienced mentors from various fields, including crypto, tech, finance, and business. Program creators can tap into this expertise for ongoing advice, problem-solving, and strategic direction.

Marketing and Promotion

The Foundation helps boost visibility for Ecosystem Programs through its established communication channels, including social media, newsletters, and its website. This ensures that programs gain attention within the community and among potential participants.

Networking and Partnerships

Ecosystem Programs are connected to key partners, including companies, universities, and other organizations within the Crecimiento network. These connections help programs find collaborators, participants, and supporters to grow and scale.

Last updated